Showing 1-10 of 425 results

Teacher Education Professional Diploma Scholarship 2022

May 23, 2022

The EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN programme -funded by EU through the regional trust fund in response to the Syrian crisis: the EU ‘Madad’ Fund, and managed by the German Jordanian University- announce that the door is now open to apply for scholarships to study for “Teacher Education Professional Diploma” at the Queen Rania Teacher Academy, for Jordanians for the academic year 2022/2023. The application is now closed 1. Scholarship applicant needs to meet the following requirements: The applicant must be Jordanian. The applicant should be a beneficiary of one of the following organizations: National Aid Fund Tkiyet Um Ali Al-Zakat Fund Al-Aman Fund …

Side-event to the Brussels VI Conference: “Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region”

April 28, 2022

Higher Education for refugees: A necessity, not a luxury! On Thursday, April 28, 2022, In the context of the 6th Brussels Conference on supporting the future of Syria and the Region, EDU-SYRIA together with its partners DAAD, Campus France, Nuffic, and SPARK, organized a side event on the importance of higher education during and post-conflict. During the event, The Minister of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research of Jordan H.E Minister Wajih Owais explained that currently, 115,000 Syrian students are in the education system of Jordan. 5,800 are enrolled in higher education. The government of Jordan tries very hard to …

EDU-SYRIA Iftar Banquet for Students

April 14, 2022

On Thursday 14 April 2022, EDU-SYRIA Programme organized an Iftar banquet for 250 students affiliated with the Program from Zarqa University and Luminus Technical University College. The Iftar banquet took place at Zarqa University in the presence of the German Jordanian University President Prof. Ala’aldeen Al-Halhouli, representatives of the EU Delegation to Jordan, the Chairman of the University’s Board of Directors, and the President of Zarqa University also attended the event. The banquet included a variety of music and cultural activities by the Program’s students. The Iftar aimed at bringing together students who benefitted from the Project and all those …

EDU-SYRIA III Consortium Meeting

April 14, 2022

On April 14th, 2022, the EDU-SYRIA team held the sixth consortium meeting for the EDU-SYRIA III project. The meeting, which is held each quarter, aims at reviewing the project’s progress and discussing the implementation of the actions. EDU-SYRIA program manager, Dr. Dhiah Abou-Tair welcomed the consortium partners and the representatives from the EU Delegation in Jordan (the educational program manager and the attaché of the regional trust fund in response to the Syrian crisis, the MADAD Fund ), then he presented an up-to-date project summary.  Moreover, the project partners presented the progress of their actions and their plans for the …

The Closing Ceremony of EDU-SYRIA II Project

March 24, 2022

Under the patronage of the European Union ambassador to Jordan her excellency Maria Hadjitheodosiou, EDU-SYRIA / EDU-JORDAN program held the closing ceremony of the second project of the program, which is funded by the European Union through the European Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis (Madad Fund), and managed by the German Jordanian University. During the ceremony, H.E. noted that education has been a priority sector of support for the EU in Jordan for more than a decade through programs such as EDU-SYRIA / EDU-JORDAN program that has become a well-known and respected brand and its scholarships …

Results of EDU-SYRIA/ EDU-JORDAN Scholarships for 2022

March 17, 2022

The EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN Scholarship Programme funded by the European Union through the Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis (Madad Fund), and managed by the German Jordanian University and in partnership with several Jordanian and international educational institutions, has awarded 70 fully-funded scholarships for Vocational Training Diploma programms at Luminus Technical University College and Bachelor’s programms at Zarqa University, for Syrian refugees for the second semester of the academic year 2021/2022. After evaluating the total of 820 applications for the Bachelor’s scholarships and 296 for the vocational Training Diploma scholarships, and filtering out the applications that comply with the …

EDU-SYRIA Conduct Market-Round Tables

February 17, 2022

EDU-SYRIA, through its component “EDU-MARKET” managed by Luminus Technical University College (LTUC), has conducted three round table discussions with employers/Experts form the Jordanian labor market to present the findings of the “Jordanian Labour Market Needs” study that was conducted by the programme and published on the 25th November, 2021. These roundtables also discussed the completeness of the study plans for the selected training programs (HVAC [Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems], Electrical installation, Industrial fashion design, Computerized Decoration and Carpentry) and to take the feedback and suggestions into consideration when redesigning/delivering the training for the students to make training’s output …

Students Graduates from Creative Design Course by Nuffic

February 2, 2022

EDU-SYRIA Programme, through its component “EDU-TRANS” managed by Nuffic, graduated a group of young Jordanian entrepreneurs from the Creative Design Course. The course was conducted through the project “Career Acceleration Project for Creative Designers” by the American Centre of Research (Acor), which is one of EDU-TRANS projects. This course goal is to equip a group of creative professionals with the needed tools and skills that will provide them with the chance to practice freelancing in creative design, where the course covered various design software such as Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, computer-aided design [CAD], and portfolio design. This course …

Academic Meeting at Zarqa University

December 8, 2021

on Wednesday, 8 December 2021, The Academic Committee of the EDU-SYRIA Program held an academic meeting with EDU-SYRIA students at Zarqa University, in two separate sessions at Zarki Auditorium. The meeting was organized by the Academic Committee: Dr. Ala’ Khalifa, EDU-SYRIA Academic supervisor, Prof. Khaled Al-Zaedeen, ZU Dean of Admission and Registration, and Mr. Ibrahim Al-Hariri, EDU-SYRIA Academic Advisor at Zarqa University, and attended by more than one hundred students from the program beneficiaries. This meeting is part of a series of activities carried out by the program in all universities and partner institutions to find out the observations of …

Results of the Study “Jordanian Labor Market Needs”

December 1, 2021

EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN Program, funded by the European Union through the Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, “Madad”, and managed by the German Jordanian University, announces the results of the research study entitled “Jordanian Labor Market Needs“. This research study aims to identify the needs of the Jordanian labor market for jobs and the necessary skills and to evaluate employment options in the Jordanian labor market for Jordanian youth and Syrian refugees, in order to help match these needs with the technical skills that qualify university graduates from Jordanians and Syrian refugees to enter the labor market. Read or …