
“Bottlenecks” Alleviation Program (BAP)

The BAP aims at fluffing the following objectives: (i) improved access to technical and vocational education and training opportunities; (ii) improved student employability and increased access to labor market opportunities in relevant sectors; (iii) institutional capacity building through linking and learning among implementing partners and relevant stakeholders in technical and vocational education and training.


These objectives will be achieved by launching a call for proposals for Jordanian and international stakeholders  urging them to submit short projects tailor-made to alleviate three bottlenecks; the students’ lack of the technical and vocational skills as required by the job market, the challenge in accessing the labor market and attaining jobs, the lack of knowledge and experience exchange among the various technical and vocational education and training institutions.  The call for proposal will be tailored towards projects that focus on and contribute to employability and labor market opportunities in sectors where the demand for skilled employees is highest. This can be achieved by targeting successful projects of the current EDU-SYRIA project that have the potential to upscale their activities and successfully contribute to the employability of students and employment opportunities. Strong involvement of the private sector in relevant sectors (e.g., health, ICT, Green Growth) will be required in both curriculum development as in the organization of internships and mentorships and guidance towards a paid job.


Furthermore, several networking event will be arranged for  linking and learning opportunities and improving institutional capacity. This component will be executed through a range of workshops organized in Jordan and through a policy seminar in Brussels to also contribute to dissemination of results and advocacy.

BAP’s Statistics

All data refers to September 2023
