
Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Program (ETSP)

Overall Description

This action, implemented by Luminus Jordan Start (LJS), aims to:

· Incubate, train, prepare, and equip 40 teams of 3 to 4 people, Syrian refugees, and vulnerable Jordanians, with the necessary competencies and abilities to start their own business.

Potential Majors

The ETSP targets entrepreneurs with promising ideas in manufacturing, textiles, handicrafts, and service-based hardware with other related services, which will take place through the Business Accelerator at Luminus Jordan Start, that enables them to confidently enter and navigate the business world, with access to FabLab Irbid – a state-of-the-art manufacturing space – the first of its kind in Jordan and one of the 20 largest digital fabrication laboratories in the world.

“Duration of Incubation

The duration of the acceleration program is 6 months.

ETSP’s Benefits

Teams, will be provided by a seed capital so that ETSP’s graduates will be able to launch their start-up businesses.

The following services will be provided during the acceleration program:

· Office space with access to Shamal Start shared facilities.

· Legal, IP, Financial & Technical support.

· Company registration support.

· Mentorship, customized training and advisory support.

· Networking and connection.

· Access to finance and investor linkages support.

· Access to the FabLab for prototyping and product sampling.

· Individual/team-based coaching.


General Information about ETSP

The qualified applicants, who successfully passed the basic application and interviews screening, will undergo the Startup Boot Camp, a 10-day intense and customized training in order to provide entrepreneurs with efficient tools and engage them into the entrepreneur pathway. Entrepreneurs learn to deeply analyse the “customer pain”, to define the critical hypothesis and to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to validate the developed hypothesis. They will be trained to engage themselves in the winding road of startups, to find an idea and quickly evaluate its potential with the least money and energy possible. They will also exercise how to pitch their potential business, as LSS provides them with full training on how to pitch and introduce the concept and requirements of “Business Ideas Pitching”. Then successful entrepreneurs will be provided with tools to turn their business ideas into successful startups.
To date, Jordan Start managed to recruit 27 teams (26 Jordanians, 28 Syrians), (29 males, and 16 females) out of 40 teams, which is aligned with the plan and schedule.

ETSP’s Statistics

All data refers to September 2023

Currently under incubation
Completed incubation