EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN program graduates 38 students from the Teacher Education Professional Diploma.
Amman – October 12- The EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN program funded by EU through the regional trust fund in response to the Syrian crisis: the EU ‘Madad’ Fund and managed by the German Jordanian University graduated on Tuesday, October the 12th, 38 Student Teachers who benefit from the program’s scholarship for the “Teacher Education Professional Diploma” offered by Queen Rania Teacher Academy for the academic year 2021/2022.
The graduates are Jordanians from organizations who support vulnerable Jordanian Youth: National Aid Fund, Al-Zakat Fund, Al-Aman Fund, and Tkiyet Um Ali, covering the subjects of Arabic, English, science, mathematics, and Early Grades.
The graduation was held virtually in the presence of the European Union representative in Jordan, Ms. Maria-Rosa Vettoretto, the President of the German Jordanian University, Prof. Dr. Alaa El-Din Al-Halhouli, and the CEO of Queen Rania Teacher Academy, Dr. Osama Obeidat.

The graduation ceremony included a speech by the CEO of the Queen Rania Teacher Academy, Dr. Osama Obeidat, in which he stressed on the excellence of the diploma graduates who are life-long learners and reflective practitioners that are able to use data-based inquiry to improve the learning of students and move learning to ensure student agency. Teachers are well-equipped to effectively help students acquire knowledge and skills necessary for preparing a generation that can contribute to building its community and country. The Diploma also prepares participants to make the learning environment more innovative and creative.
The German Jordanian University president said: “We at GJU and EDU-SYRIA Programme see the teachers as the most important part of the education process, as they build the future leaders. The Teacher Education Professional Diploma aims for preparing teachers for the future and to be leaders and educators not only teachers. We would like to thank the European Union for funding the EDU-SYRIA programme.”
The EU representative expressed the EU interest in investing in education in Jordan, as she said: “ The EU is investing in quality education and in order to achieve this we need teachers’ qualifications, that is why we are proud of EDU-SYRIA Programme; in particular, this component for Teacher Education Professional Diploma. This innovative component is a unique and very important part of EDU-SYRIA, where 150 Jordanian teachers will be trained in Queen Rania Teacher Academy.”
She added: “We would like to congratulate and reward students for their efforts during the recent very difficult times of the pandemic which require a lot of commitment to achieve results.”
The graduation ceremony included a panel session in which the graduates discussed their journey at Queen Rania Teacher Academy and shared their experience with the Diploma and how this experience added value to their promising professional career and opportunities they can find.
The Diploma equips teachers for the current challenges in education, preparing educators to treat learning environments as more than mere space, but as the birthplaces of innovation, leadership, intellectual curiosity, and civic participation among youth. The Diploma combines theory and an extensive school practicum for teachers in General Pedagogies of Teaching and Learning and in subject-specific pedagogies in order to transfer new skills and knowledge gained.
The Professional Diploma graduates are life-long learners and reflective practitioners who are able to use data-based inquiry to improve the learning of students and move learning to ensure student agency. Teachers are well-equipped to effectively help students acquire knowledge and skills necessary for preparing a generation that can contribute to building its community and country. The Diploma also prepares participants to make the learning environment more innovative and creative.