Showing 11-20 of 426 results

The EU-funded higher education projects organize a joint online event

November 30, 2021

On Tuesday 30 November 2021, the European HOPES-LEB consortium currently formed by the DAAD, Campus France and Nuffic, the German Jordanian University and its partner institutions, and the Dutch INGO SPARK organised an online joint event entitled ‘Creating opportunities through learning – Higher Education in emergencies’. With the mandate of the EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis ending in December 2021, representatives of the European Union, ministries, embassies, higher education institutions, students and key institutional stakeholders involved in tertiary education in the context of the Syria Crisis gathered to reflect on lessons learnt throughout the past …

EDU-SYRIA/ EDU-JORDAN Program Launches the results of “Labour Market Needs” Study

November 25, 2021

Amman, 25 November – EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN Program, funded by the European Union through the Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, “Madad”, and managed by the German Jordanian University, launched on 25 November the results of the research study entitled “Jordanian Labor Market Needs“. This study aims to identify the needs of the Jordanian labor market, the required skills, and to evaluate employment options for Jordanian youth and Syrian refugees. The desk study, which drew on statistics from the Amman Chambers of Industry and Commerce, found there were high hopes for employment during the recovery period following COVID-19. The …

Launching of Projects Funded by EDU-SYRIA/ EDU-JORDAN

November 4, 2021

Amman, November 4 – EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN Program, funded by the European Union through the Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis, “Madad”, and managed by the German Jordanian University, launched today nine projects to improve the livelihood options of vulnerable Jordanian and Syrian refugees and youths. The projects will provide the beneficiaries with access to higher and vocational education and improve their employability opportunities. These nine projects are funded through the following components: the “Bottlenecks” Alleviation Program and the Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Program. The “Bottlenecks” Alleviation Program (BAP) is implemented by Nuffic and its main objective is to alleviate …

BAP Q&A session

October 24, 2021

A Q&A session took place on the 11th Oct 2021 which discussed the CfP and past funded projects. Technical and financial questions were answered. The session recording is below. If you have any other questions please contact us at by the 1st Nov 2021.

Results of EDU-SYRIA/ EDU-JORDAN Scholarships for 2021

October 13, 2021

The EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN Scholarship Programme funded by the European Union through the Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis (Madad Fund), and managed by the German Jordanian University and in partnership with several Jordanian and international educational institutions, has awarded 68 fully-funded scholarships for Vocational Training Diploma programms at Luminus Technical University College and Bachelor’s programms at Zarqa University, for underprivileged Jordanian youth and Syrian refugees for the academic year 2020/2021. After studying the applications for the scholarships that comply with the announced conditions (mentioned again below), a total of 36 Syrian students were accepted for the bachelor’s degree, …

EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN program graduates 38 students from the Teacher Education Professional Diploma.

October 12, 2021

Amman – October 12- The EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN program funded by EU through the regional trust fund in response to the Syrian crisis: the EU ‘Madad’ Fund and managed by the German Jordanian University graduated on Tuesday, October the 12th, 38  Student Teachers who benefit from the program’s scholarship for the “Teacher Education Professional Diploma” offered by  Queen Rania Teacher Academy for the academic year 2021/2022. The graduates are Jordanians from organizations who support vulnerable Jordanian Youth: National Aid Fund, Al-Zakat Fund, Al-Aman Fund, and Tkiyet Um Ali, covering the subjects of Arabic, English, science, mathematics, and Early Grades. The graduation was held virtually …

EDU-SYRIA interviews the applicants for the new Scholarship

October 7, 2021

On Thursday, 7th October 2021, EDU-SYRIA / EDU-JORDAN scholarship programme interviewed the applicants for the new scholarships; Bachelor’s degree at Zarqa University and Vocational Training degree at the Luminus Technical University College. The programme has received in total 566 applications, of them; 488 applications for the Bachelor’s scholarships where only 155 applications meet the scholarship requirement, and therefore 36 applicants have been invited for the interviews. For the Vocational Training scholarships the program received 78 applications; 34 of them meet the conditions. It is worth mentioning that the program announced the start of the registration for the scholarships for Syrian …

EDU-SYRIA / EDU-JORDAN awards new Teacher Education Professional Diploma scholarships

October 3, 2021

Amman – The EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN program -funded by EU through the regional trust fund in response to the Syrian crisis: the EU ‘Madad’ Fund and managed by the German Jordanian University welcomed on Sunday, October the 3rd, a new batch of Student Teachers benefiting from scholarships for the “Teacher Education Professional Diploma” at the Queen Rania Teacher Academy for the academic year 2021/2022. The Student Teachers are 70 Jordanian beneficiaries from organizations who support Vulnerable Jordanian Youth: National Aid Fund, Al-Zakat Fund, Al-Aman Fund, and Tkiyet Um Ali, covering the subjects of Arabic, English, science, mathematics, and Early Grades. The induction day at …

Entrepreneurship Programme info-session

September 20, 2021

The EDU-PRENEUR programme (part of EDU-SYRIA / EDU-JORDAN programme) implemented by ShamalStart have organized two information session on the Entreprunership Scholarship Programme for National Aid Fund beneficiaries (NAF) in Irbid and Ramth to introduce them to the opportunity of applying to the business acceleration program at Luminus ShamalStart. The session took place at Luminus ShamalStart, where the first session was for the students of Yarmouk University- Irbid on the 19th of September. and the second session was for the National Aid Fund beneficiaries Ramtha on the 20th of September. The EDU-PRENEUR program aims to support 40 teams of 3 to …

Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Program

September 15, 2021

The EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN program, funded by the EU through the regional trust fund “Madad” in response to the Syrian crisis and managed by the German Jordanian University, announces that the door is now open for youth from underprivileged Jordanian and Syrian refugees to apply for Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Programme” (ETSP) in Partnership with Luminus ShamalStart. The Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship Programme” program in Partnership with Luminus ShamalStart aims to provide proper entrepreneurial training and office space for 40 groups formed of Jordanian and Syrian youths to transform their progressive ideas into actual projects that can best serve their local communities. The Entrepreneurship Training Scholarship …