Showing 111-120 of 425 results

EDU-SYRIA Graduation Ceremony

March 28, 2018

On Wednesday 28 March 2018, Mr. Michael A. Köhler -Director Neighbourhood, Directorate-General for Development Cooperation, European Commission, visited the German Jordanian University to attend the recognition of achievement ceremony of the first patch of 47 graduates from EDU-SYRIA. In the ceremony, Mr. Ibrahim Hariri, one of EDU-SYRIA graduates, gave a speech about his journey out of Syria and in Jordan. During the ceremony Mr. Köhler praised the Syrian students to finalize their studies in the challenging conditions and lauded the commitment of Jordan to provide a safe learning environment. In addition, Prof. Manar gave a speech about the Syrian crises and how …

In memorial of Feras Farhan Alqataffan

March 27, 2018

EDU-SYRIA Project and Zarqa University express sympathies and condolences for the death of our student Feras Farhan Alqataffan, May Allah rest his soul in peace. The 25-year-old Syrian student was studying Software Engineering at Zarqa University. Like many Syrians, he was forced to leave his country because of the war circumstances on 26th  February 2012, and he resorted to the neighbor country Jordan with his wife, “Nada”. Despite all the tragic circumstances that Feras experienced, he still wanted to finish his university studies. Therefore, he registered in the BSC program at Zarqa University in the field of software engineering, and he was awarded …

In memorial of Aya Shihabeddin

March 27, 2018

EDU-SYRIA Project expresses sympathies and condolences for the death of our student Aya Shihabeddin, May Allah rest her soul in peace. The twenty-three-year-old “Aya Shehabuddin” was a student in Nursing faculty at Zarqa University. She left her country Syria in November 2011, as a result of the destruction that took place in her neighborhood in the city of Homs, and came with her family of six members as a refugee to Jordan, she was the second daughter among her siblings. Aya wanted to complete her academic study, after secondary school, in Jordanian universities but this was only possible after she …

CV writing & preparation for Interview Workshop

March 15, 2018

On Thursday, March 15th, 2018, EDU-SYRIA academic coaches in Zarqa Universty in coordination with King Abdullah II Fund for Development/ Career Guidance & Alumni Office Organized a “CV writing & preparation for Interview” Workshop for EDU-SYRIA Graduates. The workshop objective is to help the students to create a professional CV. It was presented by Ms. Rawan Ass’ad; a Career Guidance specialist, during which she explained to the students the ” Holland’s test” to discover their career Interests.

EDU-SYRIA Academic Meeting in Zarqa University

March 14, 2018

On Wednesday 14th of March 2018, a delegation from German Jordanian University EDU- SYRIA project represented by the Project Manager Dr.Dhiah el Diehn Abou-Tair, the academic supervisor Dr. Ala Khaliefa, project manager assistant Eng. Mohanad Batarseh, and Eng.Dima Shihan visited Zarqa Unversity to meet EDU-SYRIA students for the regular meeting. The delegation listened to the students’ concerns, questions, suggestions, along with Dr. Khaled Zayadin from the university and checks their academic progress, to help them be more successful. The delegation also introduced to the students their new academic coaches Ms. Dima Sebai and Mr. Ibrahim Alhariri.  

EDU-SYRIA Students visit Petra Industries

March 8, 2018

On Thursday, March 8th,2018, EDU-SYRIA team organized a field-trip to Petra Engineering Industries Company for EDU-SYRIA engineering students. Mr. Job Arts, the EU representative and Dr. Dhiah Abou-Tair, EDU-SYRIA project manager have joined the visit of 24 EDU-SYRIA students from both Zarqa University and Al Quds College to Petra Engineering Industries. Eng. Omar Abou-Weshah, the vice president of Petra Industries, gave a brief history of the company that was founded in 1987 to produce a wide variety of HVAC equipment that meets a diversity of application requirements catering to the worldwide market. Petra’s equipment has gained recognition in over 20 …