Queen Rania Teacher Academy (QRTA)
Queen Rania Teacher Academy (QRTA) is an independent non-profit organization committed to the vision of empowering educators with the skills, recognition, and support necessary to excel in their classrooms. QRTA was launched in 2009 in partnership with the Jordanian Ministry of Education (MOE).
QRTA aims to lead the advancement in the quality of teaching and the promotion of excellence in education in Jordan, and the region. QRTA is guided by an ambitious vision aspired to significantly contribute to through mobilizing QRTA’s intellectual resources to maintain high standards in developing training programs and reforming education policies. QRTA simply believes that every educator should be given the skills, recognition, and support to excel and to enable every educator to positively influence the future generation of Jordan and the Arab World by spearheading education policy reform and teacher professional development.
QRTA’s vision for education in Jordan and the region is strengthened by strategic partnerships with well-reputed academic institutions and universities (Columbia University – Teachers College, University College London – Institute of Education, University of Toronto – Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Connecticut, University of Helsinki, the International Baccalaureate Organization, and University of Jordan), as well as partnerships with international and regional organizations (UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank, ALECSO, Education Development Trust, USAID, Global Affairs Canada, and UKAID).
The Beneficiaries of this program will have the opportunity to learn, practice, and the opportunity to engage in dialogue with great thinkers in education, as well as flourish within a community of shared practice, experience, and passion for the art of teaching. The offered Teacher Education Professional Diploma (TEPD) is conducted in collaboration with the University of Jordan and the development of this Diploma has been supported by the UCL Institute of Education, TEPD is accredited from the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) in the USA. Therefore, QRTA is the first educational organization in Jordan to be fully accredited by CAEP and the third in the Middle East.
To visit the official website for QRTA, please click here.