Monitoring visit by independent observer on behalf of the EU
In the week from 10th until 17th of October 2017, a monitoring visit from an independent observer Ms. Kai Raja on behalf of the EU visited EDU-SYRIA project, in order to evaluate the progress of the project, and during this visitation she met with the project partners Yarmouk University, Al Quds College, and Zarqa University.
On the first day, the 10th of October, Ms. Kai Raja visited German Jordanian University (GJU) and met with GJU president Prof. Manar Fayyad EDU-SYRIA project manager, Dr. Dhiah Abou-Tair and the EDU-SYRIA team.
On the Second day, the 11th of October, several meetings were held at GJU, during the day with the program directors and contact persons from Zarqa University (ZU), and Al Quds College who are following up with the students funded by the project. And the last meeting for that day was with the scholarship financial department at GJU.
On the third day, the 12th of October, Ms. Kai Raja visited the UNHCR office and met with Mrs. Irene Omondi and Dr. Awad Al Sheikh, after the meeting Mr. Fawwaz Alsaqqar joined Ms. Kia to visit the Ministry of Higher Education in Amman, where they met with H.E Dr. Ahed Wahadneh secretary general, after this visit they continue their way heading to the Zaatari Camp, a meeting with Dr. Awad Al Sheikh from UNHCR was held, and they had a visit to the student’s family at the Zaatari Camp.
On the fourth day, the 15th of October, Ms. Kai Raja visited Al Quds College Team Dr. Ayman Maqableh and Ms. Yara. She met also with the students who are funded by the project from different major. On the same day Ms. Kia continued her way to visit Zarqa University (ZU) and met with the ZU program director Dr. Khaled Al-Zayadeen and ZU staff who benefits from LASER project, and she met also with a group of students who are funded by the project.
On the fifth day, the 16th of October, a several meetings were held at GJU with Ms. Kai Raja, the first meeting was with a group of students from different majors, after this meeting Ms. Kai Raja left GJU towards Yarmouk University, where she met with Jordanian students who are funded by the project, after that she met the YU program director Dr. mwaffaq Otoom.
On the sixth day, the 17th of October Ms. Kai Raja and Dr. Loay Salhieh visited the National Aid Fund (NAF One of the Governmental agencies that are working on the project) and met with.E. Ms. Basma Ishaqat from The Head of the NAF. On the same day, a meeting with the Edu-Syria team was held at GJU for feedback.