EDU-SYRIA & DAFI Scholarships Offers Qualified Refugees the Possibility to Earn a Bachelor’s Degree
EDU-SYRIA Scholarship Program, funded by the EU and managed by the German Jordanian University (GJU) with a collaboration of the Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative (DAFI Program), funded by the German Government, the Said and Asfari, and administered by UNHCR in partnership with The Noor Al Hussein Foundation, are thrilled to announce the launch of the first phase results to accept a number of Syrian refugee candidates for a full scholarship to complete a bachelor’s degree at Jordanian universities, September 2023, as part of our commitment to enabling Syrian refugees who registered with the UNHCR and hold a valid asylum seeker certificate to realize their academic ambitions.
The total number of applications complying with the requirements of the announcement reached and they are entitled to compete for these scholarships was 1,718 out of 2,529 applications submitted (1865 female and 1060 male), 811 incomplete and non-eligible applications were excluded, and applications excluded constitute 32.07% of the total applications submitted. The distribution of total applications submitted according to geographical distribution, in urban was 1956 applications (with 66.9%), and in camps 642 applications (21.9%). The distribution of total applications according to the north, middle, and south regions was 721 applications (with 24.6%), 755 applications (with 25.8%), and 45 applications (with 1.53%) respectively.
The largest proportion of applicants were applicants from the Irbid Governorate, where the number reached 540 applicants (372 female and 168 male), with 18.46% of all submitted applicants, followed by the Capital Governorate in second place with 476 applications and 16.27%, and Zaatri camp with 461 applications with 15.76% of total submitted applications.
For the interview phase, the total number of invited candidates was 171 (111 female and 60 male) with a percentage of 5.8% of total applications submitted. The distribution of total invited candidates according to geographical distribution, in urban was 112 applications (65.5%), and in camps 47 applications (27.5%). The distribution of total invited candidates according to the north, middle, and south regions was 51 applications (with 29.8%), 45 applications (with 26.3%), and 16 applications (with 9.4%) respectively.
For the final selection phase, the total number of selected candidates awarded the scholarships was 41 (25 female and 16 male), the distribution of total selected candidates according to geographical distribution, in urban was 28 candidates (68.3%), and in camps, 12 candidates (29.3%), and one non-Syrian (2.4%). The distribution of total selected candidates according to the north, middle, and south regions was 14 (with 34.1%), 12 (with 29.3%), and 2 (with 4.9%) respectively.
These students were distributed among the public and private partner universities of the two programs as follows: 22 students (13 female and 9 male) were admitted to the bachelor’s program at Zarqa University, 14 (11 female and 3 male) at Jadara University, 3 (1 female and 2 male) at Mutah University, one female student at Amman Arab University, one male student at Yarmouk university. The proportion of females admitted was 63.4% and 36.6% of males.
We congratulate the students who were awarded the bachelor’s scholarship and wish them success in their academic studies. We wish everyone who is unlucky to apply for the next phase.
The following Table and Chart show the distribution of selected candidates according to Province: