Vocational Training Diploma Scholarships 2021
The EDU-SYRIA/EDU-JORDAN program, funded by the EU through the regional trust fund “Madad” in response to the Syrian crisis and managed by the German Jordanian University, announces that the door is now open for Jordanians and Syrian refugees to apply for Vocational Training Diploma Scholarships at Luminus Technical University College for the second semester of the academic year 2020/2021.
The registration period starts on Wednesday 20/01/2021 to Saturday 20/02/2021.
1. Applicants must be::
- Of Jordanian or Syrian nationality
- Obtained the Jordanian high school Diploma (Tawjihi).
- Younger than 28 years old
- Obtain an initial acceptance approval from Luminus Technical University College (This does not mean acceptance for the scholarship).
- The priority will be given to candidates with a higher GPA and satisfy the previous conditions.
Eligibility for Jordanian applicants:
- Be a beneficiary of the National Aid Fund, or Zakat Fund, or Al Aman fund, or Tikyet Um Ali.
Eligibility for Syrian applicants:
- Hold a the UNHCR Asylum Seeker Certificate
- Hold the security card (Ministry of Interior card) for Syrian.
2. Required documents for Jordanian applicants :
- A certified copy of the high school transcript (Tawjihi).
- A copy of the national identification card.
- The initial acceptance approval from Luminus Technical University College.
3. Required documents for Syrian applicants:
- A certified copy of the high school transcript(Tawjihi).
- Copy of the security card or Syrians (Ministry of Interior card).
- Copy of the UNHCR Asylum Seeker Certificate.
- Copy of the passport (if available).
- The initial acceptance approval from Luminus Technical University College.
4. The registration process :
- Go to Luminus Technical University College and provide the required documents to obtain the initial acceptance approval.
2. Apply for the scholarship through the online application system: https://edu-sys.eu/EduSyriaScholarship
3. The best candidates, who meet the requirements, will be invited to an interview.
4. All applicants will be informed whether they were accepted or not.
5. Important notes:
- Registration in the online application system is mandatory and no application will be considered otherwise.
- The applicants should have an active email in order to create an account on the online application system.
- The Luminus Technical University College registration department will help the applicants to apply to the online application system after giving them initial acceptance approval.
- Only the applicants are allowed to enter the college campus due to the university’s measures to limit gatherings, as a preventive measure against the Corona pandemic, therefore we urge the applicant to NOT BRING FAMILY MEMBERS WITH YOU to Luminus Technical University College.
5. Majors covered by the Scholarship at LTUC-Amman:
- Logistics and supply chain techniques
- Management of Hotels, Restaurants, and Events
- Culinary Arts Administration
- Software Engineering
- Cyber Security
- Artificial Intelligence
- Civil Engineering
- Geomatics
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Fashion design
- Interior design
6. Contact us
Phone 1: +962 6 429 4144
Phone 2: +962 6 429 4144
Email: info@edu-syria.eu
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EDUSYRIA/