EDU-SYRIA: Bottleneck Alleviation Programme-BAP
EDU-SYRIA Programme is a series of EU-funded projects via the EU Regional Trust Fund (EUTF) in response to the Syrian crisis, directed and managed by the German Jordanian University in Jordan. The programme provides higher education and training scholarships to Syrian refugees and underprivileged Jordanian youth to improve their livelihood by being self-sufficient.
The current EDUSYRIA phase, 15 million Euros, has been awarding 2,245 scholarships through eight Actions/Components that are implemented by a consortium of 9 national and international, academic and NGO partners.
Among the consortium partners is NUFFIC, an international Dutch organization for the internationalization in education. NUFFICs’ global development policy is based on strengthening the competencies and skills of both individuals and organizations through education across sectors. Nuffic is managing the Bottleneck Alleviation Programme (BAP).
Project-infographicBottleneck Alleviation Programme-BAP
Bottleneck Alleviation Programme (BAP) is one of eight Actions of EDU-SYRIA III. The main objective of BAP is to alleviate three critical transition points (i) transition from high school to higher education degree programmes, (ii) successfully completing and graduating from higher education degree programmes, and finally (iii) transition from higher education to the labor market. The BAP will launch two Calls for Proposals. The first Call for Proposal (CfP) was launched in late 2020 and the second one will later be launched in late 2021.
The first CfP launched in November 2020 closed in January 2021 and received 87 proposals, of which 65 proposals moved to the next stage of evaluation. Three evaluators accessed each proposal against a set of criteria and gave each proposal a score. The average score of each proposal determined which proposals will move to the next stage of evaluation (the Selection Committee Chaired by HE Haifaa al Najjar). The top 18 projects moved to the selection committee and 5 projects were finally chosen to be funded.
- 299,176 EUROs will be awarded to 5 projects of a maximum of 60,000 EUROs
- A total of 655 direct beneficiaries will benefit from these projects
More information about these projects will be posted soon.
For more information about BAP please contact