
Acceptance Criteria


  1. The candidate must be Syrians and should hold a refugee registration document by UNHCR.
  2. The candidate should hold the Jordanian security card for Syrians.
  3. The candidate must have a certified copy of the high school certificate.
  4. The candidate must be younger than 28 years old.
  5. The priority will be given to candidates with a higher GPA.
  6. The Candidate should obtain an initial acceptance document from Zarqa Univesity

Acceptance criteria:

  1. The priority is given to candidates with a higher GPA.
  2. Applicants who already study for BA are not accepted
  3. Students who hold the Jordanian high school certificate.
  4. Bridging/ students who hold a vocational training diploma and wish to study for BA should have a “Shamel” certificate ( The annual comprehensive final exam for community college students)

Acceptance rate:

  1. 87.5% of scholarships are granted for Tawjihi graduates 2019.
  2. 2.5% of scholarships are granted for Tawjihi graduates 2018 or before.
  3. 10% of scholarships are granted for bridging students.

Minimum accepted Tawjihi average for each faculty are as follows:

Faculty Acceptance Tawjihi Average
Religion and Law80
Press and Media80
IT and Science80
Literature and Educational Science85
Economy and Management85
Medical science85
Arts and Graphic design80
Tawjihi literature stream; certificates before 201980
Tawjihi scientific stream; certificates before 2019 85
Shamel average90